Essay, Research Paper: Hamlet And Othelia

Shakespeare: Hamlet

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Ophelia, in this tragedy many see her as just Hamlet’s lover, a character who
is selfish in not helping Hamlet when in need, or just a psycho lover with a lot
of problems. What if the story was twisted so that the play wasn’t a tragedy
and actually turned into a love story due to Ophelia? This is how I would have
written it if I were William Shakespeare. Ophelia who was Hamlet’s love in the
play would have recognized the reason for Hamlet’s madness, taken the
situation in to her own hands in order to stay with Hamlet, and would have
solved all the problems that makes this play a tragedy. When Hamlet first
realizes who has killed his father he starts to plan his revenge. In the
beginning of the play Ophelia recognizes that Hamlet is having problems and
forms an opinion, which hints to hamlet being mad or insane. She doesn’t
really pay attention to Hamlet’s real needs and purpose for being upset. What
should have happened is. Hamlet would of let Ophelia know the truth about
Claudius so that Ophelia would have a better understanding of where Hamlet is
coming from. By recognizing this first, many problems in the original tragedy
wouldn’t have taken place. With Ophelia aware of the murderer, she takes
matters into her own hands due to her love for Hamlet. Secretly she kills
Claudius, but the cause for his death is unknown. Hamlet is the only person
besides Ophelia who knows who the culprit is. This is kept a secret between the
two and their love is what keeps the secret from getting out. All the little
tragedies within the original tragedy are what make it such a great tragedy, but
if I were to make this into a love story these wouldn’t be necessary. By
eliminating Claudius secretly. Hamlet’s revenge is no longer necessary. Hamlet
does not end up killing Polonius in his mother’s quarters. Ophelia has no
reason to go insane, Laertes seeks no revenge on Hamlet, and Claudius is not
there to help get rid of Hamlet. Without all of these situations in the play
Hamlet becomes king and is able to give his love to the people of his kingdom,
and Ophelia. Hamlet and Ophelia are not King and Queen and the King Hamlet, the
Ghost, is content with the present. These events are what make it a love story
instead of tragedy and everyone lives happily ever after. I chose Ophelia to be
the reason why Hamlet is still alive because all the other characters are
recognized more often in the play, and I feel that Ophelia would be the person
least suspected for the murder of Claudius. By having her recognize Hamlets
problems and goals, taking them into her own hands for Hamlet, and being the
reason why all the other little scandals and deaths don’t take place, this
play can now be called a love story. Hamlet does not die and there for it cannot
be called a tragedy, and this play is still a great play because it has love,
mystery, and because William Shakespeare wrote it. Ophelia, in this tragedy many
see her as just Hamlet’s lover, a character who is selfish in not helping
Hamlet when in need, or just a psycho lover with a lot of problems. What if the
story was twisted so that the play wasn’t a tragedy and actually turned into a
love story due to Ophelia? This is how I would have written it if I were William
Shakespeare. Ophelia who was Hamlet’s love in the play would have recognized
the reason for Hamlet’s madness, taken the situation in to her own hands in
order to stay with Hamlet, and would have solved all the problems that makes
this play a tragedy. When Hamlet first realizes who has killed his father he
starts to plan his revenge. In the beginning of the play Ophelia recognizes that
Hamlet is having problems and forms an opinion, which hints to hamlet being mad
or insane. She doesn’t really pay attention to Hamlet’s real needs and
purpose for being upset. What should have happened is. Hamlet would of let
Ophelia know the truth about Claudius so that Ophelia would have a better
understanding of where Hamlet is coming from. By recognizing this first, many
problems in the original tragedy wouldn’t have taken place. With Ophelia aware
of the murderer, she takes matters into her own hands due to her love for
Hamlet. Secretly she kills Claudius, but the cause for his death is unknown.
Hamlet is the only person besides Ophelia who knows who the culprit is. This is
kept a secret between the two and their love is what keeps the secret from
getting out. All the little tragedies within the original tragedy are what make
it such a great tragedy, but if I were to make this into a love story these
wouldn’t be necessary. By eliminating Claudius secretly. Hamlet’s revenge is
no longer necessary. Hamlet does not end up killing Polonius in his mother’s
quarters. Ophelia has no reason to go insane, Laertes seeks no revenge on
Hamlet, and Claudius is not there to help get rid of Hamlet. Without all of
these situations in the play Hamlet becomes king and is able to give his love to
the people of his kingdom, and Ophelia. Hamlet and Ophelia are not King and
Queen and the King Hamlet, the Ghost, is content with the present. These events
are what make it a love story instead of tragedy and everyone lives happily ever
after. I chose Ophelia to be the reason why Hamlet is still alive because all
the other characters are recognized more often in the play, and I feel that
Ophelia would be the person least suspected for the murder of Claudius. By
having her recognize Hamlets problems and goals, taking them into her own hands
for Hamlet, and being the reason why all the other little scandals and deaths
don’t take place, this play can now be called a love story. Hamlet does not
die and there for it cannot be called a tragedy, and this play is still a great
play because it has love, mystery, and because William Shakespeare wrote it.
Ophelia, in this tragedy many see her as just Hamlet’s lover, a character who
is selfish in not helping Hamlet when in need, or just a psycho lover with a lot
of problems. What if the story was twisted so that the play wasn’t a tragedy
and actually turned into a love story due to Ophelia? This is how I would have
written it if I were William Shakespeare. Ophelia who was Hamlet’s love in the
play would have recognized the reason for Hamlet’s madness, taken the
situation in to her own hands in order to stay with Hamlet, and would have
solved all the problems that makes this play a tragedy. When Hamlet first
realizes who has killed his father he starts to plan his revenge. In the
beginning of the play Ophelia recognizes that Hamlet is having problems and
forms an opinion, which hints to hamlet being mad or insane. She doesn’t
really pay attention to Hamlet’s real needs and purpose for being upset. What
should have happened is. Hamlet would of let Ophelia know the truth about
Claudius so that Ophelia would have a better understanding of where Hamlet is
coming from. By recognizing this first, many problems in the original tragedy
wouldn’t have taken place. With Ophelia aware of the murderer, she takes
matters into her own hands due to her love for Hamlet. Secretly she kills
Claudius, but the cause for his death is unknown. Hamlet is the only person
besides Ophelia who knows who the culprit is. This is kept a secret between the
two and their love is what keeps the secret from getting out. All the little
tragedies within the original tragedy are what make it such a great tragedy, but
if I were to make this into a love story these wouldn’t be necessary. By
eliminating Claudius secretly. Hamlet’s revenge is no longer necessary. Hamlet
does not end up killing Polonius in his mother’s quarters. Ophelia has no
reason to go insane, Laertes seeks no revenge on Hamlet, and Claudius is not
there to help get rid of Hamlet. Without all of these situations in the play
Hamlet becomes king and is able to give his love to the people of his kingdom,
and Ophelia. Hamlet and Ophelia are not King and Queen and the King Hamlet, the
Ghost, is content with the present. These events are what make it a love story
instead of tragedy and everyone lives happily ever after. I chose Ophelia to be
the reason why Hamlet is still alive because all the other characters are
recognized more often in the play, and I feel that Ophelia would be the person
least suspected for the murder of Claudius. By having her recognize Hamlets
problems and goals, taking them into her own hands for Hamlet, and being the
reason why all the other little scandals and deaths don’t take place, this
play can now be called a love story. Hamlet does not die and there for it cannot
be called a tragedy, and this play is still a great play because it has love,
mystery, and because William Shakespeare wrote it. Ophelia, in this tragedy many
see her as just Hamlet’s lover, a character who is selfish in not helping
Hamlet when in need, or just a psycho lover with a lot of problems. What if the
story was twisted so that the play wasn’t a tragedy and actually turned into a
love story due to Ophelia? This is how I would have written it if I were William
Shakespeare. Ophelia who was Hamlet’s love in the play would have recognized
the reason for Hamlet’s madness, taken the situation in to her own hands in
order to stay with Hamlet, and would have solved all the problems that makes
this play a tragedy. When Hamlet first realizes who has killed his father he
starts to plan his revenge. In the beginning of the play Ophelia recognizes that
Hamlet is having problems and forms an opinion, which hints to hamlet being mad
or insane. She doesn’t really pay attention to Hamlet’s real needs and
purpose for being upset. What should have happened is. Hamlet would of let
Ophelia know the truth about Claudius so that Ophelia would have a better
understanding of where Hamlet is coming from. By recognizing this first, many
problems in the original tragedy wouldn’t have taken place. With Ophelia aware
of the murderer, she takes matters into her own hands due to her love for
Hamlet. Secretly she kills Claudius, but the cause for his death is unknown.
Hamlet is the only person besides Ophelia who knows who the culprit is. This is
kept a secret between the two and their love is what keeps the secret from
getting out. All the little tragedies within the original tragedy are what make
it such a great tragedy, but if I were to make this into a love story these
wouldn’t be necessary. By eliminating Claudius secretly. Hamlet’s revenge is
no longer necessary. Hamlet does not end up killing Polonius in his mother’s
quarters. Ophelia has no reason to go insane, Laertes seeks no revenge on
Hamlet, and Claudius is not there to help get rid of Hamlet. Without all of
these situations in the play Hamlet becomes king and is able to give his love to
the people of his kingdom, and Ophelia. Hamlet and Ophelia are not King and
Queen and the King Hamlet, the Ghost, is content with the present. These events
are what make it a love story instead of tragedy and everyone lives happily ever
after. I chose Ophelia to be the reason why Hamlet is still alive because all
the other characters are recognized more often in the play, and I feel that
Ophelia would be the person least suspected for the murder of Claudius. By
having her recognize Hamlets problems and goals, taking them into her own hands
for Hamlet, and being the reason why all the other little scandals and deaths
don’t take place, this play can now be called a love story. Hamlet does not
die and there for it cannot be called a tragedy, and this play is still a great
play because it has love, mystery, and because William Shakespeare wrote it.
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